Storing for motor or sailing boats

length overall*

Up to 5,00

2.400,00 €

7,00 x 2,40

3.100,00 €

9,00 x 3,00

4.500,00 €

11,00 x 3,80

6.000,00 €

12,00 x 4,10

6.800,00 €

16,00 x 4,70

13.100,00 €

length overall*

Up to 6,00

2.800,00 €

8,00 x 2,70

3.600,00 €

10,00 x 3,60

5.300,00 €

13,00 x 4,20

7.700,00 €

14,00 x 4,30

9.500,00 €

Jet skis

1.300,00 €

* The sizes indicated refer to the length and width of the boat including all protrusions, such as: engine, stern bridge, transom shield, dolphin striker, handrail, bow pulpit and stern pulpit.

All our prices are VAT included.


  1. Acceptance of the boat by the shipyard entails the user’s right to occupy the berth and dock at the dock at the assigned berth.

  2. The fee constitutes exclusively compensation for such occupation and must be paid in advance for the entire duration of the agreed period: the amount of the fee will be determined case by case in relation to the size of the boat (ref. price list).
    The abandonment in the yard of the boat with all its accessories for longer or shorter periods is at the exclusive risk of the owner or of whoever, for any reason, brings the boat to the yard, being excluded any and all obligation of custody at the expense of the yard, which merely provides the boat space and the possibility of docking and does not assume any responsibility for the custody of the boat.

  3. All eventual services requested by the client, both hauling/launching arrival and departure and assistance to the hull and engines will be calculated separately.

  4. The nautical season lasts from April 1 to September 30 each year.
    Site hours are scheduled as follows: 8:00 – 20:00. The hours in which the services provided by the construction site will be: 8:30 – 12:00 13:30 – 18:00.
    From October 1 to March 31 of each year, site hours are scheduled as follows: 8:30 – 17:00. The hours in which the services provided by the site will be provided will be: 8:30 – 12:00 13:30 – 17:00.
    Please note that the site will be closed from December 15 to January 15.

  5. The shipyard is only responsible for damages occurred during the hauling operations or the manoeuvres on land carried out exclusively by the workers of the shipyard, and authorized for this purpose (provided that the customer is in order with the payment of the parking). It will be the responsibility of the customer to insure the boat for damage due to theft, vandalism, fire and natural disasters.

  6. On the boat it subsists the right of retention to guarantee of all the debts of the customer, beyond to the right of Cm Nautica Srl to act in judgment in order to obtain the fulfillment of the own right of credit.

  7. In case of alienation of the boat, the right to occupy the berth cannot be transmitted to the third buyer, reserving the shipyard the right to stipulate or not a new contract with the latter.

  8. The customer who abandons in the yard the potting or the trolley of the boat brought elsewhere will have to pay for the occupation of space the sum of € 50 monthly.

  9. No amounts already paid for unused parking spaces will be refunded.

  10. Notice of termination of the berth must be given in writing to each other 90 days prior to the date of termination.

  11. This regulation must be observed indiscriminately by all customers, their guests and all persons who, for any reason, enter the area of the Nautical Center.
    Customers are considered only those who are up to date with payments. Clients and their families are entitled to use the showers and the break area.

  12. During winter storage, all customers are required to leave as little gasoline as possible in the tanks; the shipyard, for reasons imposed by safety reasons, is from now on expressly authorized by the customer to proceed to the elimination of the fuel present. In this case, the gasoline will be lost.

  1. Customers are required to maintain a polite, correct and irreproachable demeanor in all respects at the Yard. Will be removed those people whose presence or behavior does not fit the decorum of the structure. Should episodes contrary to decorum, good manners and mutual respect be repeated, the shipyard will have the right to immediately withdraw from the contract stipulated with the client, without refund of sums already paid and with the possibility for the shipyard to claim compensation for damages caused.

  2. Guests may enter and stay in the area of the Yard only if accompanied by the Client, who must assume responsibility for the moral and material behavior of the guest.

  3. It is forbidden to play any game or behave in a way that is noisy or dangerous and may disturb other customers.

  4. The shipyard is not responsible for anything left unattended by customers or on board boats.

  5. Customers must park their cars in the parking lot dedicated to CM Nautica, duly indicated by the appropriate signs. It is forbidden to park or to stop with the car in the covered parking lot from Monday to Friday; on Saturday and Sunday it is allowed to park in the covered parking lot, except for the places with the writing Reserved.

  6. It is forbidden to park the cars of the guests in the parking lot inside the site area:guests are requested to use the public parking lots outside.

  7. To reach the harbor from the dedicated indoor CM parking lot, you must use the pedestrian walkway.

  8. Only pets are allowed inside the porttime necessary for their embarkation or disembarkation. They must be kept on a leash and muzzled if they are dangerous or annoying in accordance with current regulations and, in any case, under control and with all precautions to avoid that they can cause harassment or discomfort. It is not allowed to walk animals in the garden. Owners are required to collect any droppings.

  9. It is absolutely forbidden to smoke in the shed or on the docks and concrete yards .

  10. It is prohibited to stand under the crane operating area and enter the warehouse.

  11. The Shipyard declines any responsibility in case of accidents of any kind for both bodily and material damages. Parents are directly responsible for their children for whom the use of a lifebuoy is recommended.

  12. Customer complaints must be addressed exclusively to the Management, which will take the necessary measures.

  13. In the Port it is forbidden to throw or leave waste or objects of any kind, polluting liquids, sewage, debris or other, even if in small quantities or dimensions.
    For solid waste, the Client must pre-arrange for separate collection, separating ordinary waste and food waste, which must be well closed in polyethylene bags, from glass, plastic, paper and aluminum and then deposit them in the respective bins.
    Toxic and harmful waste (used batteries, waste oil, empty paint cans, etc.) must be treated with the utmost care and strictly deposited in the special containers provided.
    In the port it is forbidden to discharge bilges and, in general, to release any liquid and/or substance, in particular hydrocarbons, into the water. In case of accidental spillage of hydrocarbons in the water, in the piers or on the ground, the person in charge must immediately inform the Port Management, the nearby boats and all those who are on the spot, also for fire prevention purposes.

  1. The activation of any source of noise that is not strictly related to the movement of vessels or means of transport, or to operational needs, is prohibited within the Port.
    Boats’ main engines, auxiliary engines, generators, and any other sources of noise shall be turned off without delay once the mooring is secured.
    Technical tests and battery recharging, outside the shipyard area and except in cases of force majeure, may be carried out for a maximum of half an hour, in the period between 8.30 and 19.00.
    The fire-fighting is ensured not only by the safety equipment on board, but also by the port facilities set up in compliance with the Port’s fire-fighting plan. Fire-fighting operations will be carried out under the supervision of the Authority, which will also avail itself of the cooperation of the Port Management’s personnel assigned for this purpose. The expenses for these operations are to be borne by the responsible Client, who will also be responsible for any damage caused to third parties, furnishings and equipment of the Port.

  2. In case a fire starts on board, both the crew of the affected boat and the crew of the nearby boats have to do their best to fighand the Fire Brigade. In particular, the boat with flames on board must be immediately isolated by the Management and/or Owner’s staff.

  3. Customer Requirements:
    • Moored vessels must comply with the following general provisions, without prejudice to the right of the Port Management to request inspection by the Authority on board the vessels, and without prejudice to compliance with the fire prevention plan and the port pollution control plan;
    • Before starting the engine, the user must ventilate the compartment. engine and take all the precautions suggested by the marine technique;
    • Each boat must check, before mooring, that there are no residual hydrocarbon leaks in the bilge and leaks of the same in place ;
    • On-board electrical systems must be in perfect working order and maintained at all times;
    • Fuel must be refuelled exclusively at the appropriate dispensing center, in compliance with the relevant regulations in force.
    • On-board compartments containing liquid gas cylinders shall be adequately ventilated;
    • The fire extinguishers on board must comply with the regulations in force, in adequate number and maintained in constant and perfect efficiency;
    • For safety reasons, heating systems with electric or gas stoves may not be used on board in the absence of occupants, nor may cooking fires be kept lit;
    • Running water may be kept open only for actual uses and in the presence of the user; for no other reason may it be kept open;
    • It is forbidden to open, tamper with and/or modify the electric and water supply columns, as well as to run pipes, wires and anything else in a stable manner along docks and piers;
    • It is forbidden to keep on board fuel containers not specifically approved for this purpose (cans, jerrycans, drums);
    • It is forbidden to place bicycles or other things on the columns and their protections;
    • It is forbidden to leave any kind of “tender” in the water in the entire stretch of water;
    • Bathing is prohibited in the entire body of water;
    • It is prohibited to occupy surfaces and docks with boats, tools, materials or containers of combustibles or flammable materials;
    • It is forbidden to carry out any repair work, sanding and painting to the external parts of the units stationed at the mooring place or the use of other high voltage appliances that may cause risks to the safety of persons or damage to property, with the exception of those necessary for routine maintenance;
    • It is prohibited to moor units without authorization from Port Management.

length overall*
Dry Dock
up to 7 mt
up to 10 mt
up to 16 mt

Sundry and haulage

100,00 €

250,00 €

350,00 €

Hull washing

100,00 €

150,00 €

200,00 €

External storage for processing : 20,00 €/day

All our prices are VAT included.